Anaheim Property Management Blog

The Progressive Property Management Comparison coming

I believe in transparency. I believe it should be easy for customers to know how much you charge, what you do for that fee, and then make a business decision based on a number of factors: the fee, services provided, customer satisfaction, years in the industry, programs offered, etc. But when you are shopping property management companies, obtaining this information is time absorbing, confusing and downright painful. One company charges a low percentage of the month rent but then charges high fees to perform other activities while another company charges a higher percentage but does not charge any other fees. There is no "standardized" fee schedule and every property management company can charge what they can get away with. I aim to change that. Soon, on our website, we will have a Property Management Comparison Chart for every county in which we do business. We will post the fees, rates and offerings of 7 other companies side by side. It will give customers an easy way to compare companies, determine the costs and decide which company is right for them. Unfortunately there is not independent source of information which tells me who the top companies are in property management in any county so we will pick those companies that are highly rated in Yelp!, come up prominently in google searches, or we just hear through the grapevine are considered good companies. Why are we doing this? We are doing this because it is about time. I feel we will compete well with every company in our chart, but of course, there could be a company that charges less (there always is). But price is not the only factor to consider, and when clients also take into account our customer service, Performance Guarantees, and fair pricing policies (no hidden fees) I am confident we will outshine the competition. But what we will have in the Comparison Chart is a level playing field for consumers. The chart should be up in a month or so.